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Sadist – Al via il "Hyaena Biting Europe Tour 2016"!
Scritto da Administrator   
Venerdì 04 Marzo 2016 09:11

Sadist – Al via il "Hyaena Biting Europe Tour 2016"!




Nadir Music comunica l'avvio della nuova stagione live dei Sadist: a supporto dell'ultima fatica discografica "Hyaena", la cui accoglienza di pubblico e critica è stata univocamente esaltante sia in Italia che all’estero.Gli storici portabandiera del techno-death metal stanno ora per tornare on stage con alcune prestigiose conferme (Hellfest) oltrechè alcuni show nel Regno Unito ed un lunghissimo tour da headliners in Est Europa, da sempre loro storico territorio di conquista, con il "Hyaena Biting the East Tour 2016".


Ecco i primi appuntamenti annunciati, cui seguiranno numerosi altri show a breve:


March 11th 2016, PLANET Club - Roma - Italy

March 12th 2016, CYCLE Club - Calenzano (FI) - Italy

March 19th 2016, DEMODE' Club - Bari - Italy

March 20th 2016, ORANGE Rock Cafè - Pescara - Italy

March 26th 2016, MIDIAN Live Club - Cremona - Italy

April 29th 2016, LIVE Club - Trezzo sull'Adda (MI) – Italy (with Novembre)

May 12th 2016, T.B.A. - Warsaw - Poland

May 13th 2016, BRUGGE - Minsk - Belarus

May 14th 2016, MOSKOW HALL - Moskow - Russia

May 15th 2016, CLUB ZAL - St. Petersburg - Russia

May 17th 2016, GOLFSTREAM - Murmansk - Russia

May 19th 2016, CRAZY TRAIN - N. Novgorod - Russia

May 20th 2016, BLACK ROSE - Kirov - Russia

May 21th 2016, NIRVANA - Yekaterinburg - Russia

May 22th 2016, FREEDOM - Tyumen - Russia

May 25th 2016, ROCK ‘N’ ROLL - Irkutsk - Russia

May 27th 2016, ERA - Krasnoyarsk - Russia

May 28th 2016, OTPUSK CLUB - Novosibirsk - Russia

May 29th 2016, BAR CHE GUEVARA - Barnaul - Russia

May 31th 2016, THE NOCH - Chelyabinsk - Russia

June 1st 2016, PIRANHA - Magnitogorsk - Russia

June 2nd 2016, ZVEZDA - Samara - Russia

June 3hd 2016, PUPPET THEATER - Yerevan - Armenia

June 4th 2016, ELEKTROWERK - Tiblisi - Georgia

June 8th 2016, METROPOLIS - Chernomorsk - Ukraine

June 9th 2016, ALBION - Chisinau - Moldova

June 10th 2016, BINGO - Kyiv - Ukraine

June 11th 2016, EVENT HALL - Lviv - Ukraine

June 12th 2016, T.B.A. - Cracov - Poland

June 17th 2016, HELLFEST - Clisson - France

August 17th 2016, THE BLACK HEART - London - U.K.

August 18th 2016, NORTHUMBERLAND ARMS - New Castle - U.K.

August 19th 2016, RETRO BAR - Manchester - U.K.

August 20th 2016, ERADICATION OPEN AIR - Welsh - U.K.


A questo link potete gustare il lyric video di "Scavenger and Thief", uno dei brani presenti nel nuovo album "Hyaena":


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