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Full Metal Cruise IV - The line-up is complete New stars for the Europe’s hardest cruise
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Venerdì 04 Marzo 2016 10:23

Full Metal Cruise IV - The line-up is complete New stars for the Europe’s hardest cruise

Hamburg, 2nd March 2016 – Still 7 months, 185 days, 4440 hours –



Then the fourth Full Metal Cruise hoist anchor in Hamburg. From 03rd till 08th September 2016 2.000 metalheads will cruise with Mein Schiff 1 to Oslo, Copenhagen to Kiel. Now there are four more band announcements for the sold out cruise. Among the rookies there are Full Metal Cruise-newcomers and good old fellows. With the commitments of Queensrÿche, D-A-D, Eric Fish & Friends and Blaze Bayley all open cabins are taken and the FMC IV sets sail.


In spite of their long lasting career, Queensrÿche are Full Metal Cruise-newcomers on Mein Schiff 1. The legendary progressive metal band from the United States is specially known for their sophisticated conceptual albums. Again on board: the Danish Hard Rock band D-A-D. The four Dan-ish guys were part of the first Full Metal Cruise 2013 and have played a show during the last night – this year they stay with the cruisaders for more than a night. Also Eric Fisch & Friends are welcome guests at the biggest Heavy Metal Cruise in Europe. Whether as front man of Subway to Sally or as Eric Fish solo - he knows how to get rocking the boat. Also Blaze Bayley has repeatedly demonstrated his steadfastness at swaying planks. Iron Maiden’s ex-singer will be on board for the third time.

On three stages and numerous side scenes of Mein Schiff 1 the heavy met-al is alive. Besides concerts on deck and in the board theatre there is a Full Metal supporting program: Meet & Greets , cinema, workshops, metal karaoke, tattoos, Metal-Wellness, All Star jam sessions as well as the leg-endary late-night talk show by and with "Machine". Martin Semmelrogge reads out of the "Lemmy" -biography and Leaves' Eye singer Liv Kristin guide the cruisaders through the Norwegian capital. The Full Metal Cruise IV is six days Metal-being program in North and Baltic Seas.

You find this press release and more Full Metal Cruise images at Further information about the Full Metal Cruise IV is available at and